Dividend Investing - How to use Discounted Cash Flow Analysis to value Dividend Stocks
What is Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCA)?
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis or DCA is one of the best methods to estimate the worth of an investment. In DCA, the value of an investment is determined by the sum of its future cash flows discounted back to present value at an appropriate discount rate or a required rate of return for the investor.
What is the Discounted Cashflow Model (DDM)?
For dividend paying stocks, the type of cash flow used in the analysis is the stock’s regular dividend payments and the Dividend Discount Model (DDM) Cash Flow Analysis is used to determine the Intrinsic Value of the stock.
There are 2 types of future cash flows which determine the Intrinsic Value of a Dividend Stock:
- Future regular dividend payments over the Holding Period
- Expected Future Stock Price at the end of the holding period
- Depending on whether there is capital appreciation in the stock price over the holding period, this cashflow can either add or substract from the Intrinsic Value of the stock.
- Expected Future Stock Price at the end of the holding period
These two cash flow components, when discounted back to the present value at the appropriate discount rate, determine the Intrinsic Value of the Dividend Stock.
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